In most photos of stars in swimsuits we see perfect bodies without a single crease, but is it really so? Of course, it is not without photoshop and filters. But paparazzi photos show everything as it is: cellulite, extra pounds and other imperfections. We at Interesting to know found famous women and men who were caught in the most inconvenient moment paparazzi.
- Kim Kardashian looking at the smoothies she just bought, suddenly notices the photographers, and hides her face behind her bag

2. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn having fun eating ice cream

3. Khloe Kardashian rocks out in Las Vegas at Malika Hakk’s girlfriend’s birthday party

- Pete Doherty on a normal morning, not yet awake

- Tori Spelin was caught off guard…or was she?

- The paparazzi always want to capture a moment in which the stars look ridiculous

- Katy Perry always pleases the eagle-eyed frame-hunters